Seminars and conferences


Organizing committee

  1. Chairman of the TCT scientific workshop. April 2010. University of Chlef. Algeria,

  2. Chairman of the First International Seminar on Water, Energy and Environment ISWEE’11. Algiers 1-3 March 2011. Hotel Mazafran, Tipaza, Algeria,

  3. Member of the organizing committee of MENA regional Desalination and Renewable Energy Desalination Nexus Study : The case of InSalah, Algiers, Sheraton January 2012 (organized by the World Bank)

  4. Chairman of the one-day conference on water and energy, May 21st, 2012, Chlef University, Algeria,

  5. Member of the organizing committee: courses on membrane applications. UDES-CDER, Algiers. 23rd April 2012.

  6. Chairman of the second international conference on water and energy, December 6-7, 2013, Chlef University, Algeria.

  7. Member of the organizing committee :1ième Conférence Internationale Sur les Nouvelles Technologies et la Communication (ICNTC’2014)Chlef, Algérie 02-03 Décembre 2014,

  8. Member of the organizing committee: Workshop "Recent Trends on Quantum Gases"
May 04-06, 2014.

  9. Member of the organizing committee: 2ième Conférence Internationale Sur les Nouvelles Technologies et la Communication (ICNTC’2014). Chlef, Algeria.  02-03 december  2014,


Scientific committee in international seminars and conferences

  1. IDA world congress 2013 on desalination and water reuse. october 20-25. Beijing. China.

  2. 3rd international conference on water, 18-20 novembre 2013, Algiers, Algeria.

  3. The Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biocomputational Systems and Biotechnologies, BIOTECHNO 2014 April 20 - 24, 2014 - Chamonix, France

  4. Terragreen. Beirut Lebanon. 22-24 April 2012.

  5. Bionature 2011. May 22-27, 2011 - Venice, Italy

  6. The Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biocomputational Systems and Biotechnologies BIOTECHNO 2013. March 24 - 29, 2013 - Lisbon, Portugal

  7. The Fourth International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biocomputational Systems and Biotechnologies BIOTECHNO 2012. March 25-30, 2012 - St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles

  8. Vième Congrès International sur les Energies Renouvelables et l’Environnement, CERE, 04-11-2010 - 06-11-2010, Tunisie.

  9. Journée scientifique des enseignants du département du Tronc Commun Technologie, Université de Chlef. 07 Avril 2010.

  10.  The First International Conference on Advances in Renewable and Sustainable Energies. BIOGREEN 2010 March 7-13, 2010 - Cancun, Mexico

  11. Séminaire national sur l'eau et l'environnement, 16-17 décembre 2009, organisé par le laboratoire Eau et Environnement,  Université de Chlef.