Editorial board "member"
Journal of renewable energy, edited by Renewable Energy development Research Centre CDER, Algiers, Algeria. https://www.cder.dz/?rub=revue&srub=n&pag=presen
International Journal of water resources and environmental engineering. Academic journals. https://www.academicjournals.org/journal/IJWREE/editors
Technologies for Converting Biomass to Useful Energy. CRC Taylor and Francis 2013.
Green ICT & Energy: From Smart to Wise Strategies. CRC, Taylor and Francis, 2013.
Biomass as Energy Source: Resources, Systems and Applications. CRC, Taylor and Francis, 2013
Sustainable Energy Solutions in Agriculture, CRC, Taylor and Francis, 2014.
Sustainable Energy Policies for Europe: Towards 100% renewable energy. CRC, Taylor and Francis, 2014.
Geothermal Systems and Energy Resources: Turkey and Greece. CRC, Taylor and Francis, 2014.